Friday, February 8, 2008

Watch and Discuss

So my friend here in my ward sent me this you tube link today and asked if I had seen it. I watched it--I hadn't seen it before, but I have heard the theories in part from Uncle Sam and Tom Hapgood (who used to keep a blog tracking the use f RFID technology--freaky stuff). What do all y'all think? Uncle Sam, I don't have your current email address, or I would have asked you about it directly. It's from a movie--has anyone seen it?

None of this conspiracy surprises me, but makes me more thankful each day for a prophet, who will always warn and forewarn us of anything that encroaches on our agency or on Heavenly Father's plan, if only we pay attention (get out of debt and emergency preparedness and feed your spirit). More and more I feel the desire to follow, to listen and have the faith to do the things that will keep us safe. Like President Kimball said, "in this there is safety and peace."


Katie said...

I stumbled across this same video when I was watching some Ron Paul You Tube and was shocked. How far fetched could this really be? If only there was a candidate that wanted to protect our civil liberties...

AuntieM said...

Now What? You kids are going to be the one that unite us. I will do my best by voting for Ron Paul come Nov. Mom